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Tim Withers

CIO, Senior Portfolio Manager

Kathleen O'Connor

Director of Operations

Tim Withers is the President and Chief of Investments at Twin Gryphon. He has spent several years as a business consultant, entrepreneur, and senior portfolio manager.  After graduating from Connecticut College with a BA, he later went on to The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania to get his MBA. His love of the market, passion for business, and competitive drive set the tone for our organization.

Kathleen is the head of our Operations department at Twin Gryphon. She earned her BA in Economics from Smith and received her master’s in information science from Simmons. Her extensive understanding of regulation ensures that our business runs smoothly and effectively.

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Melinda Bertoni

Head of Client Relations

Melinda is a central part of Twin Gryphon's client relationships.  Her diligent contact with those we service helps us to maintain personalized relationships with the people who drive our business. 

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